Sulphur (S)

Sulphur (S)

  • Sulphur is a non-metallic chemical element with symbol ‘S’ and one of the most important raw materials for many chemical, medical, and fertiliser applications. Sulphur is available in lumped or granular form or as molten product. It melts at 112-115°C. Close to 90% of all elemental sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid. In fertilisers, sulphur improves the efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus based plant nutrients. Sulphur is hydrophobic and needs soil bacteria to convert it into soluble derivatives. Elemental sulphur is available from natural deposits, but more common today from industrial desulfurization of hydrocarbons such as natural gas, crude oil, oil sands, and coal. In this process sulphur is available as hydrogen sulphide and is further oxidised into sulphur dioxide.